New National Advocacy and Policy Organizations Join The Poor People’s Campaign as Mobilization Partners for June 29th Moral March and Mass Assembly in Washington D.C.

Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call For Moral Revival


Press Release: Monday June 3, 2024

Media Contact: Joe Ward,, 929.475.2051

Over 25 national organizations stand united with the Poor People’s Campaign as mobilization partners for the “Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington D.C. & to the Polls.” 

The Poor People’s Campaign demands candidates seeking local and national office commit to addressing the crisis of death by poverty and low-wealth, which kills 800 people daily, 295,000 annually. 

RALEIGH – On Monday, June 3rd, the Poor People’s Campaign announced new national mobilization partners who are joining to help mobilize and organize the upcoming June 29th “Mass Poor People’s & Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly & Moral March on Washington D.C. & to the Polls.” 

New mobilization partners include The Center for Economic Policy Research, the Congressional Progressive Caucus Center, Economic Policy Institute, Groundwork Collaborative, Institute for Policy Studies, Public Citizen, RESULTS, United Church of Christ and Win Without War. The full-list of mobilization partners includes the following organizations:

In addition to new national mobilization partners, 12 state chapters of the Poor People’s Campaign announced new local mobilization partners during simultaneous press conferences on June 3. These states include Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and West Virginia. 

During the June 29th gathering, the Poor People's Campaign will call on Democrats, Republicans, and other candidates seeking office, to commit to addressing the crisis of death by poverty in the U.S. The campaign is calling on candidates to embrace its 17-Point Agenda of policies and demands that include living wages, voting rights, and other essential policies that address the immediate needs and concerns of the over 135 million poor and low-wage workers and people across the country. 

**For additional information or media inquires, please email** 



Open Letter


Poor People's Campaign Announces Mass Assembly and Moral March on Washington D.C. and to the Polls to Center Poor and Low-Wage People in 2024 U.S. Elections